Superintendent's Update

Mr Chance Nix Picture"I read a cool quote the other day, it said, 'I didn't come this far to only come this far.' So we've still got further to go." These words from Tom Brady ring true as we find ourselves nearing the end of another remarkable school year at CCPS. For me, this quote is a good reminder to celebrate the year’s accomplishments, and to set new goals and look ahead with confidence. By honoring the hard work and dedication that's brought you this far, you can build momentum for whatever comes next.

As May unfolds, excitement is in the air! Seniors are excited about graduation, the ending of one chapter, and the beginning of another. Parents and students are excited about summer break, vacations, and all they have achieved this school year. Teachers, the true heroes of every community, are doing everything in their power to leverage this excitement for positive learning and growth.

As a superintendent, I'm excited about the progress our district has made this year. I’m proud of the connections we’ve made and the resilience of our faculty and staff, who pour their hearts into our students day in and day out. Their unwavering commitment to excellence is the foundation of our district’s success, and I'm endlessly grateful for their tireless efforts.

So as we race to the finish of another school year, let’s take a moment to celebrate our achievements, express gratitude for our relationships, and look ahead with optimism to the opportunities that await us. Tom Brady has the NFL record for Super Bowl wins, so let’s adopt his mindset for excellence by committing ourselves to work hard to the very end, knowing that the best is yet to come.

Superintendent Nix

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Vision Statement

Catoosa County Public Schools will prepare every child to reach their full potential, so they graduate prepared to be good citizens and leaders of the future.

Mission Statement

Catoosa County Public Schools is a student-focused learning community, where excellence is expected from staff and students, every day, without exception.

Value Promise

Every child, every day, without exception.