In the last few weeks I’ve heard from a number of parents who want students to return to school in August, and I’ve also heard from some who are concerned about returning to school. The #OPENSCHOOL Task Force is planning for both scenarios.

This morning, the Georgia Department of Education and the Department of Public Health released Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools. I am very encouraged by this guidance that provides three phases for returning to school based on “community spread” of the COVID-19 virus. The school system will work closely with Catoosa’s and Georgia’s Departments of Public Health to determine if our county falls in the substantial, minimal/moderate, or low/no spread category as we make decisions to reopen school. Georgia’s guidance aligns perfectly with the phases the system’s #OPENSCHOOL Task Force has been planning. (Click here to see Georgia’s Path to Recovery)

In mid-July, I anticipate we will have enough data to make an announcement about the phase of reopening we can enter in August. When we make the announcement, we will send a survey for parents to choose to return to school or continue digital learning. Students may return to school based on our reopening plan, or they may remain enrolled in their home school and participate in digital learning.

Our custodians and maintenance personnel have already returned to school to begin new cleaning/disinfecting protocols. They are establishing hand sanitizing stations, water fountains are being closed, and our digital devices are being sanitized and disinfected by a professional company.

I look forward to our students returning to school for the 2020-2021 school year, and I want parents to be confident that health and safety are our highest priorities. Catoosa County Public Schools will follow the State’s guidelines for the phase of reopening we can enter in August, and parents who prefer to keep their children home longer will have the option to continue digital learning until they are comfortable returning to school.