CCPS Guidelines for School in the Fall:

Catoosa County Public Schools (CCPS) is making plans for a safe return to the important work of teaching and learning for students and employees in the 2020-2021 school year. We hope we will be able to open our school buildings on August 10 for traditional, in-person instruction; however, this decision will be based on the “degree of community spread” from Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools (link) and the Department of Public Health’s recommendation for Catoosa County.

If state and public health officials determine the degree of community spread is in the “low/no spread,” CCPS will begin the year with traditional, in-person instruction; “minimal/moderate spread,” CCPS will begin the year with a hybrid model (alternating attendance days combined with distance learning); or “substantial spread,” CCPS will begin the year with full online distance learning. We realize that some parents may not be comfortable with sending their children to school in August, so the system is prepared to offer full online distance learning. Elementary and middle school students will have a designated CCPS online teacher and new distance learning expectations. High school students will participate in the APEX Learning System following Catoosa Online Academy expectations.
CCPS is studying guidance from the Department of Public Health and the Georgia Department of Education in planning for the safest, most effective opening of school this fall. Please review the following list of “common sense” guidelines CCPS will implement to make the return to in-person, on-campus instruction as safe as possible for everyone. This is a starting point and plans may be revised between now and August as CCPS receives more information.

CCPS Guidelines for returning to school in the fall:
• The use of masks can be a challenge for some children and adults, so it will not be required. However, the wearing of masks will be encouraged for those who can.
• Periodic temperature checks will be conducted. Students and staff with COVID-19 symptoms or a temperature of 100.4+ will be isolated immediately and sent home.
• All students and employees must stay home if they have COVID-19 symptoms, tested positive, or had close contact with a person with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
• For those who have been ill, health department guidelines will be followed for return to school/work.
• Frequent handwashing is encouraged, and breaks will be scheduled for handwashing at the elementary level. We also recommend bringing individual hand sanitizer from home.
• Cleaning/disinfecting of buildings, surfaces, and high-touch objects will be more frequent. Ventilation systems will be monitored for proper operation.
• Buses will be cleaned/disinfected after morning and afternoon routes.
• Schools will limit visitors; stagger lunch, playground, and class-change schedules; and hold meetings/events virtually as possible.
• Where feasible, rooms will be arranged with student desks facing the same direction and students seated at tables will sit on the same side.
• Students will be discouraged from sharing books, materials, supplies, or equipment, including devices and equipment used for athletics/PE.
• Cleaning/disinfecting protocols will be used in computer labs, media centers, and athletic facilities.
• Water fountains will be shut off. Handless water bottle dispensers are being installed. Students will be encouraged to bring a filled water bottle from home.

We need your input as we plan for reopening school. This survey is for planning purposes only to help the school system prepare for different scenarios based on the degree of community spread of COVID-19. Once again, we sincerely hope the state and public health officials determine it is safe for the system to fully open on August 10th for traditional, in-person instruction; however, if we are advised that Catoosa is in the Minimal/Moderate Spread, and we should begin the year with a hybrid model with alternating attendance days combined with online distance learning, we need input from our parents. With parent response from the survey, and information about the degree of community spread from the health department, we expect to announce the reopening plan in mid-July. Thank you for taking time to complete the survey. The survey will close on July 4th..

Hybrid model example:
Group A attends school Monday and Wednesday in person; Tuesday and Thursday online; and Friday is an independent learning day.
Group B attends school Tuesday and Thursday in person; Monday and Wednesday online; and Friday is an independent learning day.