CCPS Response to Recent Events

Superintendent’s Message to Parents

I can’t remember a year more challenging than 2020. As superintendent, I never imagined I’d have to close school for ten weeks due to a global pandemic. I never imagined I’d have to cancel high school proms and postpone graduation. As challenging as 2020 has been, I never imagined anything that would break my heart like the social injustice and racism that has come to light in the last month.

I have experienced waves of emotion as I’ve watched the news. I have been angry and sad at the same time to realize the systemic inequities facing Black Americans. I’ve watched with deep regret, and I’ve felt a heightened desire to participate in creating racial equality.

Sadly, I didn’t realize the degree of racism in our schools until a social media video, that included two Catoosa County students, went viral last weekend. I was absolutely heart-broken when I watched this video. I hope the members of our Black community can accept my sincere apology. Now, I am acutely aware of the challenges your children experience in our school system. I believe apologies are empty without action. Realizing the hurtful racial comments our Black students endure was my call to action.

In the last week, I have formed a multi-racial Diversity Task Force to honestly and seriously address the issue of racism in our schools. I am keenly aware that I don’t have any experience about racism from a minority perspective, so this effort will be led by a Diversity Development Coordinator. This Coordinator and the Task Force will develop the plan to educate our students, teachers, and parents on issues facing minorities. I will be meeting with this group prior to opening school and throughout the school year to make changes to ensure that our school cultures are safe and welcoming for students of all races, ethnicities, and religions.

For change to occur, we must end the silence. Parents, I’m asking you to have an honest conversation with your children about racism. Hateful, derogatory, racial statements are not acceptable and will not be tolerated in our schools. I’m asking you to talk to your children so they understand language that is disrespectful. Students, I’m asking you to report racial inequities. We can’t stop racism if we don’t know it is occurring.

I truly hate the racial injustice in our country, but I believe we are better than this in Catoosa County Public Schools. I’m asking for your help. I know we can work together to set an example for unity and acceptance.